New course in User Innovations

Uutisen oletuskuva
”Start with the need that you have yourself”, advices MIT’s famous professor, economist Eric von Hippel in the introductory video of the new course “User Innovations” at the University of Vaasa. MIT and the University of Vaasa are producing together this course which is aimed to all students – also to exchange students.
Käyttäjäinnovaatioiden kurssilla hyödynnetään huippuyliopisto MIT:n aineistoja.

Famous user innovations are for example heart-lung machine, cotton swaps, mountain bike and world wide web.

The course contains both classroom and internet lectures. Students will also do teamwork together.

The number of students who can participate in the course is limited, but there are some places available. Register in the Moodle at the latest September18th. (Course number is OPIS2001).

Further information


Jussi Kantola, Faculty of Technology, tel. 029 449 8286,
Minna-Maarit Jaskari, Faculty of Business, tel. 029 449 8437,
Mona Enell-Nilsson, Faculty of Philosophy, tel. 029 449 8400,
Risto Säntti, Project for the Digitalization of Teaching , tel. 029 449 8453,

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