Nyyti News 12/2022

The Finnish word for December "joulukuu" gets its name from the ancient Swedish word, which corresponds to the modern Swedish word "jul", meaning "joulu" (Christmas) in Finnish.
In Finland December was previously called "talvikuu" = the winter month, which is also a natural name due to the winter that starts at that time. The most important thing about December for many people these days is that December includes Christmas.
Christmas is often associated with the assumption of togetherness, safety and joy. Traditional notions of celebrating Christmas can evoke a wide range of emotions. Christmas can also bring anxiety or make you feel lonely and sad.
In Nyyti's December, we will delve deeper into thinking about human relationships, interaction skills and themes related to identity. In the last Finnish-speaking chat of the month, we will think about what to do when Christmas causes anxiety. Remember that support for loneliness is also available for students during Christmas. This support is in Finnish.
Keep reading and you will find out more about the chat in English and Nyyti Finnish-language activities.
You can find the most up-to-date information about our activities on Nyyti's pages on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Linktr.ee, as well as on Twitter and Tuudo, and of course on Nyyti’s website.
Nyyti´s Chat
Have you experienced racism in your student community? How has it affected your wellbeing? What can one do to cope with racism? In this chat you may discuss the subject completely anonymously and openly with peers and an expert.
The chat will be held on Tuesday 13 December. The theme is: Rasicm and mental healthBy clicking on the name of the chat, you get more information about the chat (opens in a new window).
The themes of next year's chats are just being finished and they will be updated on our chat page soon! First chat in English will be on Tuesday 31 January, 2023
Support for loneliness is also available during Christmas
Yksinäisyystyö korkeakouluissa -project offers students one-on-one conversation support with a professional all year round, also during Christmas, and you can get help soon after the first contact. This support and help is available only in Finnish.
More information on our website in Finnish.
Webinars in December
During Deceber, we will organise one webinar: From doomsday scenarios to building hope. The webinar will be held in Finnish.
You can get more information about the webinar by clicking on the name of the webinar. The information is in Finnish and opens in a new window.
From doomsday scenarios to building hope on 8 December, 2022