Nyyti News 8/2020
Once again, we have reached the time of year when there is less daylight and more darkness. Darkness affects our energy, will and determination to do something. It seems to take away strength from many of us. For some of us remote learning or remote working may also represent burden.
In November, Nyyti's communication will focus on coping. By following us through different channels, you may get good tips for promoting and maintaining resilience. The Student Welfare Network (Opiskelijahyvinvointiverkosto), led by Nyyti ry, is organising a webinar on 19 November 2020 to discuss how we can support students' coping. The webinar will be held in Finnish.
Remember to enjoy the little moments of everyday life as they help us cope!
Nyyti´s Chats
Nyyti’s Chat is a place for sharing ideas and experiences. Group chat is about different topics that affect the student’s everyday life.
Nyyti’s group chat is meant for all students. You don’t have to register or sign up to the chat. Conversation will be held via usernames. The chats are focused on one specific topic.The chats are also attended by employees and volunteers of Nyyti and occasionally by experts from different fields.
November Chats
The Polar Night and "kaamos", the season without sunrise, refers to the darkness of the Finnish winter. The lack of daylight combined with coldness affects our mind and bodies. For someone not used to this radical environmental change the effects can be quite harsh. Brace yourselves - for the night is dark and full of terrors.
Come fight them with us!
Mind Matters -blog
Our blog addresses topical issues related to student wellbeing and takes a stand. The writers consists of the employees of Nyyti ry, other actors in the field of mental health as well as students.
Have you already read the latest blog posts?
- Worried about a loved one’s health or coping with daily life?
- Detaching from your studies – is it an impossible task?
You can find more blog posts on Nyyti's website.
Students' Stories
Did you know that Nyyti’s website also has stories written by the students themselves? The stories deal with different matters and phenomena in the student's life and wellbeing from a personal point of view, up close.
Read the latest story:
You can find more stories on Nyyti's website.