Opening hours of Juvenes restaurants from 7 March

Juvenes ravintolat - Juvenes restaurants
Juvenes opens its doors again in a larger scale from March 7th.

We welcome all our customers to the following places, at the mentioned opening hours:

Restaurant Mathilda
Mon-Fri at 10.30–13.00

Café Oskar
Mon-Fri at 10.00–16.00
soup, salad and panini lunch at 12.00-16.00 (self service at 8.00–10.00 and 16.00–18.00)

Restaurant Alere
Mon-Fri at 10.30–14.00
lunch 10.30–13.00

Café Alere 
Mon-Fri at 8.00–14.00

Restaurant Serveri 
Mon-Fri at 8.00–14.00
lunch at 10.30–13.00

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