Participate in the Campus-Workshop in February!

Register now by filling in the form down below. We have informed about student engagement earlier here.
The workshop-event is arranged for 8.2.2021 at 12-16. The event is held by our main architect Kimmo Lintula together with the workers of campus development. The event is completely virtual, utilizing Zoom and Teams.
The participators will be divided into smaller groups during the event to discuss different topics. Participating is voluntary and does not require any previous information about campus development. The aim of the event is to collect ideas, data, and needs of students.
The event is brought to you in cooperation with our investigators, which is why the event will be recorded for research purposes. We have taken data privacy into account and all the personal data and recordings will be destroyed once we do not need them anymore in our studies.
Register by filling in this form. Registering will close on Tuesday, 2.2.2021 at 12. We take a limited number of students in, so be fast! Please register only by using your student.uwasa -mail, so we recognize you as our student.
Welcome to innovate with us!