All teaching will be held in Fabriikki and other classrooms on campus during the renovation. You can check the location of classrooms from Lukkari. You are also welcomed to use these classrooms for independent study when they are not booked for classes. Remember to always check the booking calendar to see if the room is booked or not.
The Exam-room will be moved to Fabriikki already while the old Exam-room in Tervahovi is in use. This means there will be two Exam-rooms, both in Tervahovi and Fabriikki, until Tervahovi goes under renovation.
While restaurant Mathilda is closed, restaurant Erkki located in Fabriikki will offer student priced lunch. More information of this will be made available later. Café Oskar will open once again during May-June. You can also find student priced lunch at several other restaurant locations on campus.
More information:
Annukka Jokipii, vararehtori, p. 029 449 8482,