Small Changes for Good Health – student well-being week 12.-16.9.

Pienillä teoilla terveyttä -opiskeluhyvinvointiviikko 12.-16.9.2022
Welcome to the study well-being Small Changes for Good Health!

Did you know that even small changes can help promote your health and well-being? This will be our theme for the Small Changes for Good Health week, focused on student well-being and held from 12 to 16 September 2022.

The theme week will have a visible presence both online and on campus. Campus events will vary according to location. The nationwide digital events will provide all of Finland an opportunity to tune in to discussions on the topic of each theme day. We’ll be posting facts and tips on our social media and There will be webinars on changing themes:

  • On Monday, 12 Sept 2022, we’ll talk nutrition.
  • On Tuesday, 13 Sept 2022, the topic will be tooth erosion.
  • On Wednesday, 14 Sept 2022, we’ll hold a health promotion webinar.
  • On Thursday, 15 Sept 2022, we’ll hand out tips for strengthening your muscles.
  • On Friday, 16 Sept 2022, the theme will be concentration.

The FSHS Small Changes for Good Health week, focused on student well-being, will be held for the first time this autumn.

Read  more at FSHS website Small Changes for Good Health

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