Tritonia’s services autumn 2020

Uutisen oletuskuva
Li­brary’s open­ing hours:

Tri­to­nia will be open Mon­day to Thurs­day 8-18 and Fri­day 8-16 from 31.8. The ser­vice desk is open Mon-Thu 11-17 and Fri 11-16. You can also bor­row and re­turn books be­tween 8.00 and 11.00 on a self-ser­vice basis.


To pre­vent in­fec­tion, we ask our cus­tomers to keep a good hand hy­giene and keep a dis­tance of 2 m to other cus­tomers and staff.


Do not visit the li­brary if you have flu symp­toms, even mild symp­toms.


New cus­tomers and li­brary card

We ask new cus­tomers to fill in the li­brary card ap­pli­ca­tion form on­line to avoid queues when pick­ing up the card. As safety dis­tances must be kept, avoid pick­ing up the li­brary card in groups.


Li­brary study fa­cil­i­ties

About half of the read­ing spots and com­puter sta­tions are in use, and safety dis­tances must be kept also when using these. Some of the group study rooms can be booked.


The num­ber of per­sons in the fa­cil­i­ties is lim­ited. The max­i­mum num­ber of per­sons al­lowed in each room is stated on the door.


Li­brary read­ing rooms and key­cards

Key­cards are not in use dur­ing the au­tumn term. Only the larger read­ing room is in use, and only when the li­brary is open. Entrance to the reading room only from the library, the entrance through the back door is closed. The smaller reading room is closed.


Read more on our services:


Please ob­serve that the COVID-19 epi­demic sit­u­a­tion is con­stantly chang­ing and changes in ser­vices may occur with short no­tice.

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