United States Ambassador Adams: Finnish education is a brand with enormous marketing potential

- I’m very impressed by the facilities, the talent and the ambition, said Charles C. Adams today at the press conference.

Ambassador Adams told that he had a very productive and informative conversation with University of Vaasa’s interim rector Jari Kuusisto and the rector of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences Tauno Kekäle. During the campus tour he noticed both University of Vaasa and VAMK have a lot of international students.
- Walking around campus we spoke with some of the students and a number of them were from elsewhere – Greece, Vietnam, Kenya and they were attracted here by the excellence of educational opportunities.
The ambassador spoke very highly of Finnish education. He thinks Finnish education is a brand which has marketing potential.
- It is quite clear to me that Finland and the academic community in Vaasa have enormous potential for attracting the brightest talents - students and most excellent professors- and potential to export this brand to Europe, USA and around the world.
Ambassador started his work in Finland in July. Adams is a son of former diplomat and has lived in many different countries. He was born in August 25th 1947 in Belfast. He worked as partner at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, an international law firm. He lead the firm’s international arbitration practice.
This was not the first time ambassador Adams was in Vaasa. The first time was in the summer of 1975, when he and his first wife came to Vaasa with a ferry from Umeå. Grandfather of his first wife was originally from Kvevlax (Koivulahti) near Vaasa. He had moved to America in 1902.
Ambassador f Charles C. Adams, interim rector of the University of Vaasa Jari Kuusisto and rector of the University of Applied Sciences in Vaasa Tauno Kekäle.