University Sports remaining autumn offering

Uutisen oletuskuva
University sports services continue to the end of the semester mostly remotely and through associating partners.
Vaasan yliopiston liikuntapalvelut - University of Vaasa Sports Services

You may participate in group exercise remotely, Agility, as well as take advantage of the services of Wasa Sports Club and Vaasa swimming hall.

Please register to remote group exercise in due time, at least one hour prior to beginning of the class. You will find registration information through the online sports calendar.

If you have purchased the sports sticker you may use WSC’s services normally, gym Mon-Thu 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm and Wednesdays 4.30 pm to 5.30 for group exercise. Information on WSC’s and Vaasa swimming hall services and potential changes in scheduling you will find from their websites.

Please take notice of the Vaasa swimming hall instructions during this time.

More information

Coordinator Seppo Evwaraye
tel. 029 449 8555

Sports activities websites

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