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From week 38 on sports sticker will be required in order to attend sport shifts. The student union office is not open on Mondays. If you plan to attend shifts on Monday 16.9. make sure you purchase sports sticker Friday the 13th at the latest.
Persons entitled to the student sports sticker must be undergraduate and postgraduate students who have paid their student union dues for 2019-2020 or exchange students.
Stickers are sold at the Student union office at Domus Bothnica Tuesdays to Thursdays from 10 to 14 and Fridays from 10 to 13. The sports sticker prices for students are 30 € / semester or 50 € / whole academic year.
The sticker is attached to student card or separate sports card, that one will receive upon purchase. You can purchase the sticker via credit or bank card.
Get to know the offerings of the University of Vaasa sport services by visiting our website. On the website you will find more information on what is being offered as well as schedules, and discounts to various services.