User survey
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Entrance doors
Luotsi 23.6.-31.7. Main entrance open Mon-Fre 8:00-16:15
Tervahovi 23.6-31.7. Main entrance and the entrance doors in the Mathilda hall are open Mon- Fre 8:00-16:00
Fabriikki 23.6.-31.7. Entrance doors open Mon-Fre 8:00-15:00
Konttori 24.6.-31.7. Entrance door is closed.
Telephone swithcboard
27.6.-29.7. open Mon-Fre 9:00-15:00
27.6.-29.7. in Tervahovi and Fabriikki Mon-Fre 8:00-16:00.
NB! The most certain way to get hold of the caretakers is to call their mobile phone numbers.
Closed 11.7.-5.8. You can leave your post to the university caretaker services or bring it to the Konttori building (ring the doorbell) on normal office hours the whole summer. You can also contact the registrar via e-mail (
Tritonia Academic Library
Mon-Thu 9-17 (9-11 self-service)
Fri-Sat closed
Mon-Thu 14-17
Fri-Sat closed
Mon-Thu 9-17 (9-11 self-service)
Fri-Sat closed
Opening hours of other units: see
Campus restaurants and cafeteria
Mathilda: closed 30.5.-7.8.
Buffetti: open 30.5-2.9. Mon-Thu 8.00-15.00, Fri 8.00-14.30. (Breakfast 8.00-10.00, lunch 11.00-14.00)
Café Oskar: open 1.6-23.6.2011 Mon-Thu 9.00-17.00, Fri 9.00-16.00. Closed on Saturdays. Closed 24.6-7.8.2011.
Closed 3.6.-22.8. You can contact the helpdesk via e-mail ( or call +358 (6) 324 8345 and leave a message.
Financial Services
Closed 18.-31.7. Certia is open the whole summer.