University of Vaasa and Hanken strengthen their collaboration

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The University of Vaasa and the Hanken School of Economics intensify their collaboration within business education, research and language teaching.

The collaboration within education promotes the flexibility within studies and improves the study possibilities for bachelors, masters and doctoral students. The aim is to offer jointly produced language courses and courses in economics and business to students of both universities.

- The University of Vaasa and Hanken have co-operated within education for a long time already. Now this collaboration will be strengthened and developed further, says professor Jorma Larimo from the University of Vaasa.

- The aim is that in the future, students will be able to choose both individual courses and a minor subject from the other university. In addition, we will make better use of joint international guest lecturers.

Within research, the parties aim at joint projects in areas where the two universities already collaborate and also expand to new research areas, such as energy.

- With this collaboration we can improve the impact of both education and research and hence contribute to the vitality of the region, says Hanken’s Rector Karen Spens.

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