University of Vaasa continues mainly in distance learning mode until year-end

Vaasan yliopisto
During 1.11.–31.12., teaching at the University of Vaasa continues mainly as distance learning. As of 9 November, necessary contact teaching in for example laboratories and smaller groups can be executed with the rector’s permission following the safety instructions and in groups of maximum 10 persons. Courses offered by VAMK (Vaasa University of Applied Sciences) are executed according to VAMK’s decisions as of 2 November.

Already before, most students have studied remotely during the corona epidemic.

EXAM-rooms will be opened on 9 November with the restriction of allowing maximum 10 persons in each of the rooms. Campus restaurants will be closed, but the possibility of take away services will be investigated during November. The library services are available with restrictions. Please see for more information.

Organising events indoors and outdoors at the University is prohibited. Dissertations are held in remote mode. To minimise the risk of infection, campus buildings remain closed to external persons. Personnel will be able to access the premises with their key card. Students will be able to access the exam rooms through Tervahovi-building. The personnel continues working mainly remotely.

When visiting, studying or working at the University premises, the use of a facemask is mandatory. You may come to the campus only in complete health and following safety and hygiene rules.

- Safety is our top priority in all our operations during autumn. We want to protect the health of our students and personnel and minimise the amount of corona infections. Our target is to open up our campus gradually, but to do that, strong commitment to safe behaviour is required from us all, says Rector Jari Kuusisto.

During spring semester 2021, the University will operate in a hybrid mode, where teaching and staff work mainly take place remotely. The scope of teaching and campus activities is guided by the general epidemic situation and existing safety and space restrictions. The crisis management group outlines the University's measures based on the authorities' assessments of the situation.

For more information, please contact:

Rehtori Jari Kuusisto
tel. +358 29 449 8291,

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