Vaasa Network brings University talents and companies together

Uutisen oletuskuva
Vaasa Network is a new collaboration platform that offers the expertise of teachers and students at the University of Vaasa and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences VAMK to companies. Vaasa Network helps companies to find the right talent for business innovations, globalisation, digitalisation, recruitment, and financing options.
Työnantajat ja opiskelijajärjestöjen edustajat kokoontuivat kuulemaan palvelusta, joka tuo korkeakoulujen osaajat yritysten käyttöön.
Vaasa Network -palvelua esitteli toimitusjohtaja Petri Tuomela Me2We:stä.

One of the things you can do as an employer is to use the platform to find out about courses that best match your field of business, and make proposals for collaboration to teachers on research projects or thesis/project work topics. Entrepreneurs can boost their business by utilising the collective intelligence of teachers and students at the University of Vaasa and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences in conceptualising, developing, and testing new products or services.

Vaasa Network is a powerful channel for finding skilled workforce while improving the students' chances of employment in the Vaasa region and providing them an opportunity to make contacts and demonstrate their skills. The network provides our universities current information on the changing skill requirements of the employment sector, allowing us to constantly develop our curriculum.

Vaasa Network

  • 5,000 students
  • 100 courses
  • service is free to use
  • for large and small employers
  • find the talent you need fast and easy
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