Week of Well-being feedback survey and lottery

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Hyvinvointiviikon palautekysely - the Week of well-being feedback survey

Week of Well-being feedback

Remember to fill out the Week of well-being feedback survey!

It will be valuable for the arrangements for future well-being weeks if you have time to answer the Week of Well-being 2020 feedback survey by 20.10.2020. You can give feedback on this year's arrangements and events, as well as suggestions for the organizers of the next week of well-being.

We also welcome feedback from those who were unable to attend this year - how do we get you involved next time?

The Lottery

Those who participated in challenges during the week are in the lottery and can win great prizes such as university items. Winners will be informed in person and prizes will be delivered by mail.

Best regards,
The work group of the well-being week

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