Welcome to join University of Vaasa Summer School 2022 Programme on International Entrepreneurship and Innovation

raippaluodon silta
Welcome to join University of Vaasa Summer School Programme on International Entrepreneurship and Innovation and diversify your degree and future career options.

The 5 ECTS course course takes place on 22-26 August 2022 in Vaasa. The course is organized in Wärtsilä Smart Technology Hub, the heart of the Northern Europe’s largest energy and environmental business hub, in cooperation with the project OpenInnoTrain.

Who is the course for?

  • Students from different academic disciplines and at different levels with fluent English language skills
  • Those interested in starting a global start-up OR seeking to work at an established company with intrapreneurial competences sparking innovations that have the potential to address global market needs

What is the course about?

The Summer School Programme on International Entrepreneurship and Innovation is a seven-day intensive academic programme (5 ECTS) that helps students gain essential entrepreneurial knowledge and skills in an international context to stimulate an internationally oriented entrepreneurial spirit in the community.

It combines lectures, discussion sessions and workshops with practical activities involving academics and industry practitioners to cover theories and practices of international entrepreneurship.

How is the course implemented?

Our instructors are experts in their fields and teach with enthusiasm and contemporary relevance. A set of complementary methods will be applied including:

  • Academic sessions by international academics
  • Workshops led by domain experts
  • Teamwork, involving dialogue, debate and presentations throughout the programme with the support of one-to-one group mentorship
  • Individual work, involving research and written assignments on selected topics
  • Support and facilitation by a team of academics and domain experts
  • Supplemental E-learning materials and collaborative learning to maximise knowledge sharing

The requirements for the course: 

  • Completion of individual assignments on selected topics
  • Participating in group projects for preparing and presenting an international business plan as a group project
  • Active participation at lectures and workshops


Please register your attendance of the summer school by 27 May 2022 here: https://link.webropol.com/s/universityofvaasasummerschool2022

Please note

  • You will be requested to complete a pre-programme survey during your registration
  • The number of participants is limited, please wait for an email confirming your acceptance. You will hear from us latest by 3 June 2022.
  • University of Vaasa Summer School retains the right to cancel the programme for unexpected issues. In such a case, we will inform the participants in writing (e-mail) as soon as possible.
  • The course is free of charge

For more information please contact:

Questions related to application and practices admissions@uwasa.fi. Questions related to the content and completion of the summer school Selina Liang liting.liang@uwasa.fi.

Appendix 1: University of Vaasa Summer School Programme






22 August

8:00-8:30 Orientation

8:30-12:00 Session 1

Environment, strategy & entrepreneurship in an international context

- Prof Gary Knight

13:00-16:00 Workshop 1 Idea Canvas

- Dr Philipp Holtkamp

23 August

8:00-12:00 Session 2

 Exploring the dynamics of international entrepreneurship: from idea to action

-Dr Selina Liang

13:00-16:00 Workshop 2 Idea Canvas

- Dr Philipp Holtkamp

24 August

8:30-12:00 Session 3

Driving network innovation: the role of social networks and technological communities in dealing with grand societal challenges

- Prof Dimitris Assimakopoulos

13:00-16:00 Workshop 3

Idea Canvas

- Dr Philipp Holtkamp

25 August

8:00-12:00 Session 4

Global markets, innovation, and business potential

-Dr Ville Tuomi

13:00-16:00 Workshop 4

Idea Canvas

- Dr Philipp Holtkamp

26 August

8:00-12:00 Session 5

 Setting up an international business plan: The essential guide to group projects

​- Prof Gary Knight, Dr Ville  Tuomi & Dr Selina Liang

13:00-16:00 Workshop 5

Idea Canvas

- Dr Philipp Holtkamp

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