Tomi Laapotti

Assistant Professor (tenure track)

School of Marketing and Communication, Communication Studies
+358 29 449 8732
Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa
Ankkuri 1. floor

My research interests include algorithms/AI in organizing, digital platforms, organizational meetings, CCO, group/team communication, agency, sociomateriality, management communication, and so on.

Research project(s):

Multifaceted Ripple Effects and Limitations of AI-Human Interplay at Work, Business, and Society (SYNTHETICA) (Research Council of Finland)

Digital Platforms in Organizing (DiPO)


Google Scholar

Selected publications:

Laapotti, T. & Raappana, M. (2022). Algorithms and organizing. Human Communication Research 48(3), 491-515,

Laapotti, T. & Mikkola, L. (2019). Problem talk in management group meetings. Small Group Research 50(6), 728-758.

Publications and expert tasks

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