Amit Shukla
Associate Professor (tenure track)
Tervahovi B311
If you're an enthusiastic, innovative, and driven student or researcher, send me an email with your CV, research interests, and let's connect to discuss the exciting possibilities ahead!
Dr. Amit K. Shukla is an Associate Professor in the School of Technology and Innovations, Computer Science at the University of Vaasa, Finland. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from South Asian University, New Delhi, India, for which he acquired a prestigious INSPIRE fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Amit was awarded the gold medal for his Master's degree (2013) from the same university. He chaired the ACM chapter of South Asian University in 2011-2012 and is currently an IEEE Young Professional.
He is a regular reviewer of journals such as Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Applied Soft Computing, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Neural Computing and Applications, and Journal of Advanced Research, etc. His research areas include Computational Intelligence, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Industry 4.0, explainable artificial intelligence, anomaly detection, transfer learning, machine learning, and informetrics. As a young researcher, he has a h-index of 21 on Google Scholar and over 40 publications in reputed SCI journals and CORE A/B-ranked International Conferences. He has chaired and co-chaired several sessions at WCCI 2020 and 2022. Amit also has two years of industrial experience as a software engineer, working on projects from companies such as NOKIA and SONY.
Academic activity:
- Associate Editor @ Heliyon, Elsevier
- Section Board Member @ Axioms, MDPI
- Co-lead of the FUZZ-IEEE mentoring program
- Sub-committee member of the IEEE CIS Strategic Planning
- IEEE Computational Intelligence
- Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society