Maija-Sofia Ulmanen

Doctoral Researcher

M.Sc, MA
School of Management, Public Law
+358 29 449 8497
Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa

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Research interests

My research interests focus on the rule of law, legal security and the use of power in society, access to justice, and welfare law. At the core of my research is the legal security of vulnerable groups of people in particular, as part of a broader debate on the rule of law, which also includes diagnostics as part of the analytics of the use of power.

The central task of the rule of law is to guarantee the legal security of individuals, and this task is further emphasised when specific groups who may be more vulnerable to violations of legal security are under scrutiny.

Key concepts used in the study

I use the emancipatory / critical tradition as theoretical framework for the study. In addition, I will use a number of concepts and approaches to guide my analysis. "Diagnostic power" and "psycho-power" are key concepts that I use to refer to the different dimensions and mechanisms of power, especially in situations where power is directed at vulnerable groups. For these groups, forms of power can have particularly profound effects, and my research seeks to highlight how these effects are manifested and how they can be assessed.

Another major research focus is so called paternalism by state, a situation where the state uses its power for the good of citizens, but at the same time may restrict their rights. In this context, my research examines how different discourses and social boundaries are defined as 'agreed problems' and how these boundaries affect the rights and position of vulnerable groups in society.

Digitalisation, a technocratising society and the challenges of access to law

I will pay particular attention to access to justice and its challenges in a digitalising society. Technological developments have significantly changed the ways in which justice is accessed and distributed. In my research, I consider how data processing and technocratisation affect the role of individuals as subjects of justice. A key point is also that the digitalized society can be seen to increase inequalities as such.  Prevention of this tendency would be central aspect in order to manifestation of the minimum conditions of the rule of law.

Publications and expert tasks

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