Heidi Hirsto
Associate Professor
Ankkuri 1. floor
By appointment.

I work as associate professor in communication studies at the University of Vaasa. I am also responsible (2023-) for the Multidisciplinary Master's Programme in Communication Studies.
My research interests include economic discourses; business-society relations, ethics and responsibility; financial consumption and economic citizenship.
I am currently leading a research project Shifting Investment Cultures in Digital Spaces, funded by the Academy of FInland (2021-2025)
I teach courses on discourse analysis, organizational and leadership communication, and a master's thesis seminar.
Publications in English
Hirsto, H., Koskela, M. & Jokipii, A. (2023). Performing financial communication as professional practice: the interplay of consensus and tension in earnings calls. Journal of Professions and Organization. Advance Access, published Sept 11th, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpo/joad011
Nissi, R. & Hirsto, H. (2023). Policing language in the world of new work: the commodification of workplace communication in organizational consulting. Applied Linguistics Review 14(4): 775-798. https://doi.org/10.1515/applirev-2021-0057
Hirsto, H., Koskela, M. & Penttinen, K. (2022) Cooperative orientation in earnings calls. Fachsprache. Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication 44(1-2): 59-79.
Basque, Joëlle, Hirsto, Heidi & Wagnac, Régine (2022). Archives in CCO research: A relational view. In Joëlle Basque, Nicolas Bencherki and Timothy Kuhn (eds) The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization. Routledge. pp. 245-261. DOI: 10.4324/9781003224914-18
Jantunen, S. & Hirsto, H. (2021). Acting for Change - A Communicational Perspective to Corporate Activism. In: H. Katajamäki, M. Enell-Nilsson, H. Kauppinen-Räisänen, L. Kääntä & H. Salovaara. Workplace Communication IV. VAKKI Publications 13. 63-80. Available at: https://vakki.net/index.php/2021/12/21/workplace-communication-iv/
Tuunanen, Yrjö & Hirsto, Heidi 2019. Narrative Frames and Framing Narratives - The role of non-journalists in narrative news discourse. VAKKI Publications 10: 11-24. Available at: https://vakki.net/index.php/2019/12/31/tyoelaman-viestinta-ii/
Tuunanen, Yrjö & Hirsto, Heidi 2018. Civic voice in multimodal news narratives. In M. Patrona (ed.) Crisis and the Media. Narratives of crisis across cultural settings and media genres. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 205-229.
Moisander, Johanna K. & Hirsto, Heidi & Fahy, Kathryn M. 2016. Emotions in Institutional Work: A Discursive Perspective. Organization Studies 37(7): 963-990.
Hirsto, Heidi & Katila, Saija & Moisander, Johanna 2014. (Re)constructing economic citizenship in a welfare state – intersections of gender and class. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 33(2): 122-139.
Hirsto, H. & Moisander, J. 2014. Different games, different rules: Making sense of business and society in the media. In R. Tainio, S. Meriläinen, J. Mäkinen & M. Laihonen (eds) Limits to Globalization. National Borders Still Matter. Copenhagen Business School Press. 200-218.
Hirsto, Heidi 2011. Everyday discourses of the stock market: Searching for investor power and responsibility. Consumption, Markets & Culture 14(1): 57-77.
More publications in my Google Scholar profile
- 2021 - 2025
- 2019 - 2023