Leena Kunttu

Senior Specialist

PhD(Tech), PhD(Econ), M.A. (Edu)
University Services, Innovations and Ecosystems
+358 29 449 8562

Dr. Leena Kunttu holds a PhD degree in Information Technology (signal processing) from the Tampere University of Technology, Finland (2006), a PhD degree in Economics (innovation management) from the University of Vaasa, Finland (2019), and Master of Arts degree in Education from the University of Tampere (2020). Between 2007 and 2012, she served as Senior Manager in an area of innovation at the Nokia Corporation. During her career in Nokia, she led several collaborative projects between the company and external research institutes, such as universities. She also led and participated in joint educational activities between Nokia and universities. In 2015-2020, Dr. Kunttu served as a postdoc researcher in an area of innovation at the University of Vaasa. Since 2020, she has acted as Senior Specialist and industrial collaborator in innovation development at University of Vaasa, as a part of Innovations and Ecosystems Team. She also works as a researcher and project manager in Innolab research platform. Her current research interests include university-industry collaboration, educational involvement, innovation policy, and the commercialization of university technologies.

Leena Kunttu has been working as a regular columnist for Tekniikka & Talous magazine since 2021.

Kunttu's research has also been cited by the financial magazine Forbes in articles on innovation management and consumer brand awareness.

Kunttu is also a member of the public sector innovation network coordinated by the Ministry of Finance.

She has also acted as a speaker and panelist in different events that are related to innovation management and policy.



Strengthening Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education and SME Management (DEI4SME), EU Erasmus+, 2023-2026, budget (at University of Vaasa) 122500€, Project Co-Manager

KvarkenData, funder: The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, European Regional Development Fund ERDF, 2023-2024, budget 219912€, Project Manager

Practicing mission-oriented innovation policy (MISS), funded by Business Finland, 2022-2025, budget 483700€, Project Manager, Principal Investigator Jari Kuusisto, University of Vaasa

Evolving Innovation Space, RDI Policies and Impact Evaluation (ELVIS), funded by Business Finland, 2020-2022, Budget 301540€, Project Manager, Principal Investigator Jari Kuusisto, University of Vaasa

Publications and expert tasks

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