Kerstin Siakas

Dr. Kerstin Siakas is an Emerita Professor at the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering at International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece and a Visiting Professor at the School of Technology and Innovations, Industrial Management Programme at University of Vaasa, Finland. Her specialty as a professor includes Information Systems Quality, Innovation and Social Networks.
She received her BSc and MSc degrees in economics in 1975 and 1977 respectively from Swedish Handelshögskolan at Åbo Academy, Finland and her PhD in 2002 in Software Quality Management from the Department of Computing, Communication Technology & Mathematics, London Metropolitan University, UK.
Kerstin also has an extensive industrial experience in developing Information Systems on different levels (programmer, analyst, IT manager) from mainly global organizations in different countries, such as Kommundata AB in Stockholm Sweden (5 years) and Siemens Tele Industry AG in Thessaloniki Greece (8 years).
She is engaged in research in Multidisciplinary Approaches of Software Engineering. She is interested in the impact and effect of technology on society, in particularly from a social, cultural and political viewpoint, and how society impacts on technology innovations. She has a particular interest in the emerging subsequent challenges for managers, educators and governments. She has published over 200 scientific papers about her research in journals, book chapters and international refereed conferences and has received over 2000 citations.
She has participated in numerous EU research and lifelong learning projects (see for example:, both as project leader and participant. She is an active member of the European Certification Qualification Association ( and she participated in the creation of the following job-roles in which she also is a certified trainer: Valorisation Expert, Social Media Networker, Certified Social Responsibility Manager, Certified European Project Manager, Certified Innovation Manager.