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Students must be aware of their role as a responsible party within the scientific community, to act honestly and to promote a positive atmosphere. The starting point is equal, fair and respectful treatment of everyone, as well as appreciation of their work contribution.
Students' rights and obligations are defined in section 5 of the Universities Act. Additionally, matters concerning students' rights and discipline are recorded in the Degree regulations of the University of Vaasa.
Students are expected to also familiarise themselves with the university's internal rules and guidelines and to comply with them. You will find these on the website Regulations and guidelines concerning studying and degrees. Below, you can also read about the university's internal appeal process (for example, assessment of study attainments) as well as about the concepts of academic freedom and academic responsibility.
The University of Vaasa has a Council of Education, which is the administrative body responsible for the quality of education (University Act § 82, paragraphs 3 and 4; University Regulations § 10). The Council of Education also acts as the university's degree committee.
In accordance with §10 of the University Regulations, the Council of Education is tasked with issuing decisions concerning appeals regarding
An additional task of the Council of Education is to handle other matters related to students' legal protection and issue relevant statements.
Appeals addressed to the University of Vaasa's Council of Education are delivered to:
University of Vaasa Council of Education
P.O. Box 700
FI-65101 VAASA
Concepts of academic freedom and academic responsibility associated with a scientific community.
Academic freedom refers to the freedom and right of a student to learn, make choices concerning his or her studies, plan his or her studies, as well as the freedom to participate in teaching, among other things. A student has the right to expect the university to provide high quality education, equal treatment, as well as well-functioning study support functions.
Appreciation can be shown for the teaching and research work of teachers by actively participating in teaching and by providing relevant feedback concerning teaching. A student has the right to be informed about an assessment of a study assignment within a month from its completion, among other things. Furthermore, a student has the right to file an appeal against an assessment of a study attainment or a decision on crediting studies.
Everyone has the right to provide feedback concerning teaching or other operations of the university. Students may also present ideas for development to improve the common studying environment. The provision of feedback and influencing the university community are, except rights, also a part of the academic responsibility.
Academic responsibility refers, among other things, to an obligation to study actively, as well as the responsibility for your learning and the progress of your studies. The student makes the decisions concerning the actions and the participation through which he or she will learn in accordance with the targets set by him or her.
A responsible student acts in an honest manner and gives him- or herself, as well as the fellow students, an opportunity for good learning. For example, peaceful working conditions in teaching and exam situations also guarantee a good studying environment for everyone. In accordance with the Universities Act, a student may be punished with a warning or with fixed-term dismissal for cheating at an exam or for other violations of teaching activities. For example, if a student is suspected of cheating at an exam, the student's completion of an exam can be interrupted immediately and the exam may be failed.
Being aware of common wellbeing and safety matters is also associated with academic responsibility, as well as appropriate behaviour towards all those operating within the university community. For example, when making contact with teaching and guidance personnel, the reception hours should be observed, as well as remembering appropriate use of language. Further information is available for example on the website Support and Study Guidance.
A student should also have knowledge of information security and data protection norms. You can start the familiarisation for example at the Rules of IT Service Use. These and other regulations have been prepared to help users belonging to different groups to identify the rights, responsibilities and obligations relating to their access rights.