Tuukka Järvinen
Yliopistonlehtori, laskentatoimi
Tervahovi D319
tiistaisin 13-14. Huom. 15.10. 14:30-15:30 ja viikolla 43: KE 23.10. klo 13-14
- Koulutusohjelmavastaava

I'm the member of the Auditing and Control in Accounting research group and the programme manager of Master's Programme in Accounting and Auditing. Please see Solecris for the publications.
Research interests
Auditing, auditors' and lenders' judgment and decision making, information search, earnings management, internal control
Factors Influencing Auditors' Information Usage: Experience, Risk, Task Structure and Information Reliability. Acta Wasaensia, No. 272.
LASK3036 Advanced Auditing (30 hours)
LASK2040 Auditing and Internal Auditing (20 hours, auditing part)
LASK1013 Introduction to Accounting (4 hours, introduction to auditing and JDM in accounting/auditing)
LASK3059 Auditing in Practice
LASK3067 Analytics in practice - course coordinator
I also supervise around 10-15 Master's and Bachelor's theses per academic year.