Mike Mekkanen
Vanhempi tutkija
Tervahovi B330
Ti 14:00-15:00

Mike Mekkanen has 20 years of university and industry experience in teaching and research in a wide range of topics in telecommunications and Automation. His experience in telecommunication automation industry based on studying and researching , from 2007 till now, is at University of Vaasa Telecommunication and System Engineering Group and DEMVE Laboratories, where his work spanned a wide range of technical and policy-related aspects of communications network design, system automation and evolution. He is an expert in emerging different communication network technologies and systems for telecommunications applications based on the IEC 61850 standard. Prior to joining Vaasa University, he worked at different world wide companies Mandor Co 1990-1997, Eagle Co 1997-2003, where he directed a diverse program that included systems level design, test and implementation in electrical networks. At University of Vaasa he has established a DEMVE laboratory and training program with emphasis on novel approaches to meeting the communications challenges of different vendors Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) based on IEC 61850. He earned a BS in Electrical Engineering at the University of Technology, MS and PhD (tech.) in 2010, 2015 Telecommunication Engineering and Automation from University of Vaasa. Currently he is assistant professor at the department of Wireless Automation University of Vaasa Finland. He is a member of the IEEE, Electrical Engineering Committee, Suomen Automation RY. His research interests are IEC 61850, Smart Grid, Substation Automation system, Digital substation, Wireless communication, Embedded system.
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