CPS Security Lab

Interreg Aurora

The objective of the Interreg Aurora funded small-scale project is to develop a road map for cybersecurity development in energy sector in Northern Europe. Based on the roadmap the project partners will continue to develop a project plan and infrastructure plan for developing a network of laboratories for cyber-physical systems. The network will focus on development of cybersecurity and resiliency of cyber-physical systems. University of Vaasa and Luleå Technical University collaborate with partner organizations from Sweden and Finland. In the small-scale project the applicants will involve SMEs and larger companies from the energy sector that are interested in developing their cybersecurity skills and cybersecurity of their products, parts and systems. The results of the small-scale project will be the basis for a regular project application.

Hankkeen kesto
Ulkoinen rahoitus
25 999€
39 999€
Yksiköt ja ryhmät
Hankkeeseen osallistuvat Vaasan yliopiston toimijat
Kyberfyysiset järjestelmät
Älykkäät sähköjärjestelmät
Tekniikka ja innovaatiojohtaminen
Vastuuhenkilö Vaasan yliopistossa
Hanketta koordinoiva organisaatio