Jukka Partanen
Vaasan Yliopisto Helsingin toimipiste

I received my Ph.D. from the Helsinki School of Economics in 2008. Before joining the School of Management in fall 2015, I worked 12 years at the Aalto University (Department of Marketing). In 2018-2019, I was a visiting professor at IE Business School, Madrid.
My research interests include high-growth firms, entrepreneurial stress and wellbeing, strategic networks, and industrial service business.
My teaching activities focus on service business and startups. My underlying teaching philosophy is that the most effective, motivating, and fun way to learn is to apply the content and knowledge of the course. Hence, all my courses have a 'hands on' approach which mean that the students get out of the classroom, and apply the content in the real world. I'm also the programme manager for the Strategic Business Development.
Selected publications
Partanen, J., Kohtamäki, M., Patel, P.C., Parida, V. (2020). Supply chain ambidexterity and manufacturing SME performance: The moderating roles of network capability and strategic information flow. International Journal of Production Economics, 221: 107470.
Partanen, J., Kauppila, O-P., Sepulveda, F. & Gabrielsson, M. (2020). Turning network resources into performance: the mediating role of network identity of small-and medium-sized enterprises. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(2): 178-197. https://doi.org/10.1002/sej.1296
Partanen, J. & Goel, S. (2016). Interplay between reputation and growth: the source, role and audience of reputation of rapid growth technology-based SMEs. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08985626.2016.1262908
Kohtamaki, M. & Partanen, J. (2016). Co-creating value from knowledge-intensive business services in manufacturing firms: The moderating role of relationship learning in supplier–customer interactions.
Partanen, J. & Chetty, S. K. & Rajala, A. (2014). Innovation types and network relationships. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(5): 1027-1055.
Chetty, S., Partanen, J., Rasmussen, E. & Servais, P. (2014). Contextualizing case studies in entrepreneurship - A tandem approach to conducting a longitudinal cross-country case study. International Small Business Journal, 32(7): 818-829.
Kohtamäki, M., Partanen, J., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2013). Non-linear relationship between industrial service offering and sales growth: The moderating role of network capabilities. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (8): 1374-1385.
Kohtamäki, M., Partanen, J. & Möller, K. (2013). Making a profit with R&D services—the critical role of relational capital. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (1): 71-81.
Partanen, J. & Möller, K. (2012). How to build a strategic network: A practitioner-oriented process model for the ICT sector. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(3): 481-494.