Mahmoud Elsanhoury
Ankkuri K201.1

Mahmoud Elsanhoury (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) is recently listed as one of the "Top 10 Young Scientists in Finland 2023" by the Technology Academy of Finland. He is currently pursuing a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree in computer science and telecommunications engineering at the University of Vaasa, Finland. He received his M.Sc. (tech) degree in telecommunications engineering from Vaasa University in 2018, and his B.Sc. degree in telecommunications engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt in 2013.
Between 2017-2018, he worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Vaasa and as an Autonomous Robots Lecturer at the Swedish NOVIA University of Applied Sciences. Recently in 2023, he completed a GNSS summer course at Tokyo University of Marine Sciences and Technology, Tokyo, Japan. In 2021, he conducted a two-month research visit to American University in Cairo (AUC) to exchange research ideas around UWB and LEO positioning.
His current research interests include ubiquitous indoor positioning systems, ultra-wideband (UWB) indoor localization, low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites for positioning, multi-sensor fusion technologies, Kalman filters, and machine learning algorithms
Awards and Honors
- NOKIA Foundation Grant 2022.
- NASA Space Apps challenge 2022.
- Riitta Ja Jorma Foundation grant 2023.
- Top-10 Young Scientists, Technology Academy of Finland 2023.
Google Scholar publications: click here
IEEE author profile: click here
Current research interests cover ubiquitous indoor positioning systems, ultra-wideband (UWB) indoor localization, low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites for positioning, multisensor fusion technologies, Kalman ?lters, uncertain stochastic processes, and machine learning algorithms.
Previous project(s) :
- Kvarken Space Center project [2023-2024]
- INCUBATE project [2022-2024]
- TULEVA project [2021-2022]
- INTENS project [2019-2020]
- Nordic Telemedicine Center (NTC) [2017-2018]