Antti Norkio


Yliopistopalvelut, Jatkuva oppiminen

In the summer 2019 I graduated with a Master of Science in Economics from University of Vaasa. After that I started my doctoral studies in economics. At the moment I am working on research for my dissertation. My main research topics are intangible capital, high growth firms, and corporate finance. In addition, I am interested in investment valuation and financial markets.

My background is in retail banking and automotive retail.

Teaching 2021-2022:

Taloustieteen perusteet (avoin yo) (Introduction to economics), macro (with Saara Vaahtoniemi), candidate level

Internship I & II, master and candidate level



Teaching 2020-2021:

Taloustieteen perusteet (avoin yo) (Introduction to economics), macro (with Saara Vaahtoniemi), candidate level

Kestävä kehitys ja eettisyys liiketoiminnassa (Sustainable development and business ethics), economics (with other schools), candidate level

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