Taina Tukiainen
Johtamisen yksikkö, Strateginen johtaminen
029 449 8662

Background - Education and degrees awarded
- Prof./Docent, Sustainable Leadership and Innovation, Turku University; valid 1.9.2021
- Doctor of Technology in Industrial Management, Helsinki University of Technology. Doctoral thesis title: "The Unexpected Benefits of Internal Corporate Venturing: An Empirical Examination of Consequences of Investment in Corporate Ventures", June 20, 2004
- Qualified teacher, teacher pedagogic studies at Jyväskylä, 1995
- MBA, Helsinki School of Economics. Major subject: International management, June 20, 1994
- M.Sc. (Eng.) in Civil Engineering and Management, Helsinki University of Technology. Major subject: Civil engineering. Minor subject Facility management. Master's thesis title: "Maan omistus ja hinnat Pääkaupunkiseudulla suunnitellulla metrolinjauksella", Jan 2, 1991
- HHJ, 2015
- Certified SAP consultant (TERP10), 2009
- Leadership program: Nokia Networker /IMD Switzerland, 2000
Previous work experience
- Professor of Practice, Aalto University, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2017-2021
- National Expert from Finland into EU/COR, VTT, 2017-2019
- Member of the Cabinet of the President, European Committee of the Regions, 2015-2019
- Visiting professor, Witten/Herdecke, Management and Corporate Governance, 2016-2018
- Senior researcher, Aalto University, School of Science, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2014-2016
- Project director and researcher, Hanken, Department of Management and Organization, 2011 – 2014 (and part-time 2008-2010)
- Representative of Finland in MIT/REAP -Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration program during 2012-2014
- Director of National Digibusiness Cluster in Finland, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 2011-2014
- Visiting Scholar at Stanford Business School, 2010
- Head of Industrial Management department, Metropolia, 2005-2011
- Senior Manager, Nokia, 1995-2005
- Researcher, Helsinki University of Technology, Industrial Management, 2001-2004
- Manager, GIS, Viatek, 1994-1996
- Program coordinator, Institute of Technology, 1991-1994
- City planner & researcher, Helsinki-Uusimaa Region & Espoo, 1990-1991
- Teacher, 1985-1990
Proven over 15 years' experience of teaching 2017-2020 Starategy, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation and business operations and track record in thesis supervision.
Proven 20 years' experience of managing the research projects and external research funding from BF/Tekes, EU and industry and research leadership and got the scholarships from Academy of Finland, the Foundation of Economic Education, The Marcus Wallenberg Foundation and the Helsinki University of Technology Foundation.
Senior advisor for EU and awards
- Opinion 2021: European Missions
- Opinion 2021:Forging a climate-resilient Europe- the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Opinion 2020: Opportunities and synergies of a precautionary adaptation to climate change to promote sustainability and quality of life in regions and municipalities: which framework conditions are required for this?
- Opinion 2019: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): a basis for a long-term EU strategy for a sustainable Europe by 2030
- Opinion 2019: Sustainable Europe by 2030: Follow-up to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, ecological transition and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
- Opinion 2018: Digital Europe
- Opinion2017: Reflecting on Europe: the voice of local and regional authorities on how to rebuild trust in the EU
- Opinion 2017: Bridging the investment gap: how to tackle the challenges
- 2010 SAP University Alliances Program: University of Gothenburg in Sweden and Helsinki University of Applied Sciences University in Finland has been selected as the first European Lighthouse Academic institutions.
- 2007 European Engineering Association award for New Challenging Approaches to Engineering Education: Enhancing University – Industry Co-operation.
- 2006 Onwards representative of Finland in the European Commission eSkills and Curriculum development; onwards
- 2006 The "Services Science, Management and Engineering — Education for the 21st Century " award at IBM Palisades
- 2006 Finnish Technology Industries Award for Project-based learning development
- EU expert 2015 onwards with proven records in research, education, innovation, digitalization, sustainable development, youth, entrepreneurship and startup policies in EU
- Scientific and university network inside European Union (EIT, EUA)
- UN expert, closely involved with the UN UNOPS Social Impact Investing Initiative (S3I)
- Tukiainen T., Paavola L. 2021. 5G-Network-Based Connectivity and Data Platforms for Smart Cities– an Explorative Case Study of Drivers for Industry Transformation. HIICS publication 2021.
- Tukiainen T., Patrizia H. Baltic Sea Region towards Sustainable Economic Transformation by Smart Specialisation Strategies. 2020.. ISBN 978-952-60-3791-2. Submitted article.
- Tukiainen T., Patrizia H. Strategic Instruments for Sustainable, Entrepreneurial and Economic Capacity building. 2020. ISBN 978-952-60-3792-9. Submitted article.
- Tukiainen T., Paavola L. State-of-Art Understanding Neutral Hosts in Smart Cities.2020. ISBN 978-952-64-9602-3. EU white paper 2020.
- Tukiainen T., Paavola L. The Strategic Foresight of Smart City Services and Data Ecosystems. EU white paper. 2020
- Tukiainen, T., Burstrom, T., & Lindell, M. (2019). The Strategies of Technology Startups Within and Between Business Ecosystems. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(6), 25-41. https://doi.org/10.22215/timreview/1247
- McPhee, C., Tukiainen, T., Leminen, S., & Westerlund, M. 2015. Editorial: Smart Cities and Regions (October 2015). Technology Innovation Management Review, 5(10): 3-6
- Edited by Tukiainen T.: Regional Innovation Ecosystem. Learning from EU's Cities and Regions. EU publication 2016.
- Melin, H., Laurinkari, S., Tukiainen, T. 2016. Q&A. How Can Online Platforms Contribute to Smarter and More Prosperous Regions in Europe? Technology Innovation Management Review, 6(12): 61-66
- McPhee, C., Tukiainen, T., Leminen, S., & Westerlund, M. 2016. Editorial: Smart Cities and Regions (December 2016). Technology Innovation Management Review, 6(12): 3-5
- Tukiainen, T., Leminen, S., & Westerlund, M. 2015. Cities as Collaborative Innovation Platforms. Technology Innovation Management Review, 5(10): 16-23
- Mohajeri, B. ; Nyberg, T. ; Karjalainen, J. ; Tukiainen, T. ; Nelson, M. ; Xiuqing Shang ; Gang Xiong . The impact of social manufacturing on the value chain model in the apparel industry. IEE Publication Year: 2014
- Gabrielsson J, Tukiainen T. Boards, Governance, and Value Creation: The Human Side of Corporate Governance. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship 13 (2), 129, 2008.
- Keil T., Mc Grath Gunther R. & Tukiainen T. 2009. Gems form the Ashes: Capability Creation and Transformation in Internal Corporate Venturing. Organizational Science Vol20, No3, May-June 2009: 601-620.
- McGrath R., Keil T., Tukiainen T. 2006. Extracting Value from Corporate Venturing. MIT Sloan Management Review Fall 2006 Vol 48 50-56.
- Tukiainen, T. 2004. ‘The Unexpected Benefits of Internal Corporate Ventures: An Empirical Examination of the Consequences of Investing in Corporate Ventures, D.Sc. Tech, doctoral dissertation, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management 2004, http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2004/isbn9512271222/isbn9512271222.pdf. http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2004/isbn9512271222/isbn9512271222.pdf
- Yrjänheikki-Korhonen, K., Tukiainen, T, Takala, M. 2007. New Challenging Approaches to Engineering Education: Enhancing University – Industry. European Journal of Engineering Education Vol 32, Issue 2, 2007 pp 167-179.
- Tukiainen T., Takala M., Ing D, Master's program for service management at Helsinki Polytechnic Education for the 21st Century, IBM Palisades, 2006.
- Tukiainen T., Takala & Lindfors. Experiences of industrial service management program development. Hämeenlinna 2009.
- Published book of impact of research with Ministry of Economy and Employment. Hautamäki, A., Ståhle P., Oksanen K., Tukiainen T. Vaikuttavaa tutkimusta – Kokeiluehdotuksia tutkimuksen vaikuttavuuden ja kaupallisuuden edistämiseksi. 2016.TEM.
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