Olena Maslyukivska

Vieraileva tutkija

Digital Economy
Yliopistonranta 10, 65200 Vaasa
Fabriikki F250

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I am a Visiting researcher from Kyiv, Ukraine from the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", where I hold a position of the Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Studies.

By training I am an Environmental and Ecological Economist. My professional career brought me to the intersection of environmental economics and public policy. My areas of expertise include environmental policy instruments mixes, environmental and carbon taxation, green/sustainable public procurement.

I have over 20 years of professional experience in research and policy analysis related to environment and sustainability, 14 years of executing consultancy projects commissioned by international organizations in Ukraine and internationally, 11 years of management experience in donor funded projects.

I enjoy sharing my knowledge, work with student and exchange ideas with colleagues. I also like public speaking and mentoring. I am very interdisciplinary and always open to new learning opportunities. For the last month I am thrilled to learn about Finland, its people, nature, culture and history.

At the University of Vaasa, I am researching policy instrument mixes to accelerate energy transition and circular economy in Finland at the national, regional and municipal levels. I am also working on prospective collaboration between the University of Vaasa and Ukrainian universities.

Feel free to contact me should you like to learn more about my research, work experience, or talk about anything related to Ukraine.

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