William Degbey
Apulaisprofessori, International Management (tenure track)
Ankkuri 3.krs

I am an Associate Professor of International Management at the University of Vaasa in Finland. I am also an Adjunct Professor (Docent) at Åbo Akademi University School of Business and Economics in Finland, and a Senior Fellow at the Turku School of Economics. Additionally, I am the Country Representative of Finland for the European Academy of Management (EURAM). I have previously worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer at the Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland. I have also held teaching and research positions in Sweden (Linnaeus University) and in the USA (Stanford University, 2018 and Harvard University, 2023). Before joining academia, I worked in the financial services sector, specifically in mutual fund management (Ghana) and in the mobile telecom sector in Nokia (Finland).
My teaching responsibilities cut across bachelor, master and doctoral degree levels. I have taught courses on International Business and Management, Foundations of Economics, and Strategic Management at the Bachelor's and Master's Degree levels, over a 14-year teaching career starting from the Turku University of Applied Sciences. Presently, my teaching-related tasks at the University of Vaasa are situated within the Degree Programmes of International Business and Strategic Business Development including courses such as sustainability and (international) business ethics, and cross-cultural management.
I am a member of the Human Resource Management Research Group. My current research interests focus on the human side of collaborative engagements in cross-border firm contexts. I have published over 25 articles in international journals and edited books, and I currently serve as an Associate Editor of Journal of Managerial Psychology and the Journal of Knowledge Management. My publication details can be located through these links: Google Scholar and Research Gate.
Most recent publications:
Degbey, W. Y., Pelto, E., Öberg, C., & Carmeli, A. (2024). Customers driving a firm's responsible innovation response for grand challenges: A co-active issue-selling perspective. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Rodgers, W., Murray, J. M., Stefanidis, A., Degbey, W. Y., & Tarba, S. Y. (2023). An artificial intelligence algorithmic approach to ethical decision-making in human resource management processes. Human Resource Management Review, 33(1), 100925.
Sufyan, M., Degbey, W. Y., Glavee-Geo, R., & Zoogah, D. B. (2023). Transnational digital entrepreneurship and enterprise effectiveness: A micro-foundational perspective. Journal of Business Research, 160, 113802.
Zoogah, B. D., Degbey, W. Y., & Elo, M. (2023). Industrial policy environments and the flourishing of African multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business Policy, 1-24.
Ferraris A., Degbey W.Y., Singh S., Bresciani S., Castellano S., Fiano. F. and Couturier J. (2022) Microfoundations of strategic agility in emerging markets: Empirical evidence of Italian MNEs in India. Journal of World Business
Rodgers W., Degbey W.Y., Söderbom A. and Leijon S. (2022) Leveraging International R&D Teams of Portfolio Entrepreneurs and Management Controllers to Innovate: Implications of Algorithmic Decision-Making. Journal of Business Research
Degbey W.Y. and Pelto E. (2021). Customer knowledge sharing in cross-border mergers and acquisitions: The role of customer motivation and promise management. Journal of International Management
Degbey W.Y., Rodgers P., Kromah M. and Weber Y. (2021). The impact of psychological ownership on employee retention in mergers and acquisitions, Human Resource Management Review.
Rodgers W., Yeung F., Odindo C. and Degbey W.Y. (2021). Artificial Intelligence-Driven Music Biometrics Influencing Customers' Retail Buying Behavior. Journal of Business Research.
Degbey W. Y., Eriksson T., Rodgers P. and Oguji N. (2021). Understanding cross-border mergers and acquisitions of African firms: The role of dynamic capabilities in enabling competitiveness amidst contextual constraints. Thunderbird International Business Review
Rodgers, W., Degbey W.Y., Housel T. and Arslan A. (2020). Microfoundations of collaborative networks: The impact of social capital formation and learning on investment risk assessment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Hughes P., Hughes M., Stokes P., Lee H., Rodgers P. and Degbey W. Y. (2020). Micro-foundations of organizational ambidexterity in the context of cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Arslan A., Golgeci I., Haapanen L., Tarba S. Cooper C. and Degbey W.Y. (2020). Cause Related Marketing, Legitimacy and Internationalization of Professional Service Firms: Case Study of a Football Talent Scouting Micro-firm. International Marketing Review
Degbey W.Y. and Einola K. (2019). Resilience in Virtual Teams: Developing the Capacity to Bounce Back. Applied Psychology
Oguji N., Degbey W.Y. and Owusu R. A. (2018). International joint ventures research on Africa: A systematic literature review, propositions, and contextualization. Thunderbird International Business Review
Aklamanu A., Degbey W.Y. and Tarba S.Y. (2016). The Role of HRM and Social Capital Configuration for Knowledge Sharing in Post-M&A Integration: A Framework for Future Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Human Resource Management,
Degbey W.Y. (2015). Customer retention: A source of value for serial acquirers. Industrial Marketing Management