Ines Simoes de Brito Peixoto
Yliopisto-opettaja, Industrial Management
Tervahovi B326
by appointment: please e-mail
My research interests include understanding strategic, technology, and regulatory change that enables ambitious industry transitions.
Courses (as the responsible teacher or co-teacher)
- TUTA2240 Sales Management and Negotiation Skills
- TECH1010 Energy and Sustainability
- ISAN3070 Systems Engineering
- TUTA2270 Innovative Product Development
- TUTA3290 Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Circular Economy
- ISAN3080 Sustainable Project Marketing
- ISAN2050 Sustainable Smart Cities
- ISAN3050 Service Design
- Supervision of Master's thesis
My research focuses on sustainability transitions, innovation, and social construction of risks, taking organization theory perspectives.
Research group: Networked Value Systems
Research project (2025-2028): Alliance for Socially-acceptable and Actionable Plants (ASAP)
Most recent publications:
- Välikangas, L., Vaara, E., Peixoto, I. (2024) Temporal Intentionality: Prompting Time-Related Deliberations in Strategic Action. Academy of Management Discoveries, 10(4): 521-526.
Previous research project: T-Risk - Managing transition risks in risk-bearing value chains (Aalto University and University of Vaasa; Funded by Wallenberg Foundation) 2020-2024
Member of Scientific Council of SPOT Nordic (Association of Graduate Professionals and Portuguese Researchers in the Nordic Countries), 2024-