Malin Wikstedt

Tutkimusrahoituksen erityisasiantuntija

Yliopistopalvelut, Tutkimuksen palvelut ja tutkijakoulu
029 449 8419

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Main responsibilities:

  • Support researchers in the pre-award phase of research, development and innovation (RDI) project preparation: Advise and assist the university's researchers and research groups during the pre-award phase of research, development, and innovation projects. Focus on international, European, and Nordic public funding, including grant writing, consortium building, budgeting, and administrative support during the grant agreement process.
  • Develop pre-award services and processes: Develop and enhance services and processes for external RDI funding in the university. This includes identifying and communicating upcoming funding opportunities internally, as well as training and informing researchers to successful project proposal preparation.
  • Monitor and share awareness of science and research policy: Track, analyse, share, and follow up on science and research policies in European, Nordic, and national contexts to support high-quality, responsible and impactful research and executive decision-making within the university.
  • Develop research strategy: Promote research collaboration within the Erasmus+ funded European University Alliance EUNICE. Support the network's research services professionals and specialists to foster effective inter-institutional collaboration.
  • Advocacy for public RDI funding: Engage in advocacy activities for public funding of European RDI projects. Act as the liaison between funders and the university, the EUNICE-network and its researchers and research groups.