Emilene Leite

Apulaisprofessori, international business (tenure track)

Markkinoinnin ja viestinnän yksikkö, Kansainvälinen liiketoiminta
029 449 8407

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Dr. Emilene Leite is an Associate Professor (tenure track) in International Business at the University of Vaasa. She earned her Ph.D. from Uppsala University in Sweden and is an alumna of both the Nordic Research School of International Business (Nord-IB) and the Swedish Research School of Management and IT (Swedish-MIT). During her doctoral studies, she held visiting positions at Virginia Tech and Columbia University in the United States. Prior to joining the University of Vaasa, Dr. Leite worked in Sweden as a Senior Lecturer at Örebro University (2019-2024) and as a University Lecturer at Uppsala University (2019). She also serves as Associate Editor for International Business at the Brazilian Administration Review (BAR) Journal.


Dr. Leite's research focuses on two main themes: (a) exploring why and how firms engage in both cooperative and competitive relationships, and the implications of these dynamics on firms' innovation processes, with a particular emphasis on multinationals; and (b) examining the interactions between companies, governments, and civil society in organizing projects that create social impact.
Her research has been published in leading journals, including (but not limited to) the Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, and Management International Review.


In the past years, Dr. Leite has taught several undergraduate and master's level courses, such as Culture and Leadership, International Management, Industrial Marketing, International Marketing, International B2B Week, Business in Society, and The International Firm in a Global Economy. She has also contributed to executive education programs, including both the Skandia Executive Education Program and the NY Teknik Executive Program in Sweden.

Research Visits

  • 2024 - Sophia University, Tokyo - Japan.
  • 2023 - Tampere University, Tampere - Finland.

Latest Publication

  1. Leite, Emilene., Koporcic-Nietola, N., & Markovic, S. (2024). Shifting Corporate Responsibility: - From Optional Due Diligence to Mandatory Duty. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility (BEER), 32, no1: FORTHCOMING.
  2. Monticelli, J. M., Leite, Emilene, & Chim-Miki, A. F. (2024). Coopetition in the Business Landscape: Shaping Strategies, Paradoxes, and Future Prospects. BAR-Brazilian Administration Review21(1), e240046.
  3. Schweizer, R , Lågeström, K.Leite, Emilene Pahlberg, C. (2023). The Role of Headquarters in Managing Coopetition within MNCs: A Tale of Two Paradoxes. Multinational Business Review. 32(2), pp.290-304.
  4. Lagerström, K., Leite, Emilene, Pahlberg, C., & Schweizer, R. (2023). The competition-cooperation interplay for knowledge development: a headquarters-subsidiary perspective. Journal of Strategy and Management16(2), 362-377.
  5. Leite, Emilene, Ingstrup, Mads (2022). Individual strategies as interaction modes for handling institutional logic diversity over time: A case study on a public-private collaboration project. In Industrial Marketing Management (IMM),107:266 275.
  6. Leite, Emilene. (2022). Innovation Networks for Social Impact:  An empirical study on multi-actor collaboration in project for smart cities. In Journal of Business Research (JBR), 139:325-337.
  7. Hadjikhani, A., Leite, Emilene., Pahlberg, C., (2019), Business and Socio-Political Interaction in International Service Projects. In Management International Review, 59:171–200
  8. Leite, Emilene. Bengtson, A. (2018). A Business Network View on Value Creation and Capturing in Public-Private Cooperation. In Industrial Marketing Management, (73):181-192
  9. Leite, Emilene. Pahlberg, C., Åberg, S. (2018). The cooperation-competition interplay: Evidence from the ICT Industry in Brazil. In Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing Management, 33(4), 495-505.
Book Chapters
  1. Leite, Emilene. Johnstone, L. (2023). Regaining legitimacy in an MNC after a socio-ecological crisis: An un(smart) business strategy? Submitted to the Sustainable International Business: Smart strategies for Business and Society, Springer Book.
  2. Lågeström, K.Leite, Emilene, Schweizer, R. and Pahlberg, C. (2021). Cooperating while Competing in Multinational Corporations, Book chapter In Competition: What It Is and Why It Happens, chapter 11, Oxford University Press.
  3. Leite, Emilene (2019). Cross-Sector Partnership in Smart City Development: The Case of Brazil Book Chapter in Handbook of Research on Social and Organizational Dynamics in the Digital Era, IGI Global Book Series.
  4. Leite, Emilene. Latifi, M., (2016). The Role of NGOs in Business Networks: - Challenges and Opportunities. Book Chapter in Extending the Business Network Approach – New Territories, New Technologies, New Terms, Palgrave Macmillan Book series.
  5. Leite, Emilene. & Bengtson, A. (2015). Cross-Sector Collaboration between Business and Non-Business Actors: The Case of an ICT-Project in Brazil. In: Shang Gao and Lazar Rusu, Modern Techniques for Successful IT Project Management (pp. 265-284). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

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