Tule mukaan kehittämään Vaasan yliopiston ulkoista verkkosivustoa – vastaa kyselyyn 31.1. mennessä:
Projektin nimi: Kansainvälisten investointien purkaminen ja uudelleen sijoittaminen: Vaikutus yrityksen arvoon
Projektin johtaja: Jorma Larimo
Kesto: 1.9.2018-31.8.2021
Rahoittaja: Suomen Akatemia
Ulkoinen rahoitus: 360 000 euroa
Yhteyshenkilö: Jorma Larimo
Hankkeen tarkempi kuvaus:
Foreign direct investments (FDIs) in their various forms are the main form of entry by multinational enterprises (MNEs) into world markets.
However, statistics in world investment reports and empirical studies have indicated that changing endogenous priorities of the firms, turbulent political, economic and legal conditions in FDI host countries, and increasing globalizations and technological development have led many MNEs to divest and relocate their FDIs.
However, significant gaps remain in our understanding of the determinants, deterrents, decision process, and value creation potential of foreign divestment and relocation strategies. The purpose of this project is to provide a more comprehensive understanding of foreign divestment and relocation strategies of MNEs and their role in firm value.
A theoretical framework will be developed by integrating several theories from the fields of strategic management, international business and finance. The research project will adopt several different methods depending on the subprojects in question (qualitative, quantitative and mixed method) in order to provide a holistic understanding of the phenomenon.
More specifically, we plan to collect secondary quantitative data on divestment strategies and firm value from ca. 2000-2500 investments and divestments of Nordic firms in manufacturing sector. We also plan to collect data from secondary sources for qualitative analysis as well as carry out interviews in 20 Nordic case firms (10 Finnish and 10 Danish and/or Swedish firms) to investigate deterrents of foreign divestment, and use longitudinal interview to understand the divestment and relocation decision process. This project will be carried out with collaboration of renowned scholars from international universities in at least six different countries. Scientific results of this project will be presented in leading international conferences and published in high-quality peer-reviewed international journals. The project will help MNE managers to understand the determinants, deterrents, decision process, and value creation potential of foreign divestment and relocation strategies.
In addition to several partners in the local project team, there will be a lot of co-operation with several
co-authors from at least seven different foreign Universities.
Jorma Larimo - Project Leader
Jorma Larimo is a Professor of International Marketing at the University of Vaasa, Finland. They are currently the Vice President of the School of Marketing and Communication at the University of Vaasa. He is also the leader of the Finnish Universities in the International Business field. His areas of interest include SME internationalization and foreign entry strategies, especially FDI, M&A, and IJV strategies and performance. International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of International Marketing,
Five different international Journals. The process of internationalization is an internationalization process. Professor Larimo has been the initiator of the FDI and other Nordic companies. The databank has been used in over 25 articles and book chapters, and in seven doctoral theses under his supervision. Biennial Vaasa IB conference. The forthcoming 15 thVaasa IB conference will be organized from August 19-21, 2019. Annual Report in Copenhagen. Professor Larimo also leads the international network related to the research project.
Tahir Ali - Project co-leader
Tahir Ali is an Assistant Professor of International Business at University of Vaasa, Finland. His research focuses on management strategies and performance outcomes of international joint ventures; multi-level determinants and performance outcomes; and business and international business strategies. His research has been published in Scandinavian Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, International Business Review and Journal of Business Research.
Pratik Arte - Post-doc researcher
P ratik Arte completed his PhD in May 2018, University of Vaasa. His dissertation focused on the economic and institutional distance between the two subsidiaries. Pratik's research is an in-depth study of macroeconomic environments and countries. Behavioral and Behavioral Research Behavior and Research. Additionally, his res earch has featured at AIB, AIB India, GI KA, EIBA, and BAM. His paper focusing on economic distance and divestment co-authored with Professor Jorma Larimo was the finalist for Aalto 'That's interesting!' award at the AIB 2018 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. AIB 2019 Annual Meeting in Copenhagen.
Minnie Kontkanen
Dr. Minnie Kontkanen is the Program Manager of the Master's Degree Program in International Business at the University of Vaasa. She has a long-term experience in international marketing, entry strategies and internationalization. Her studies have been published in the Journal of Strategic Marketing. She is involved in the long run.
Ha Nguyen
University of Vaasa at the School of Marketing and Communication, University of Vaasa. Master in International Business at the UCD Michael Smurfit Business School, Ireland and Bachelor in International Trade at the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Her doctoral research focuses on the cross-country distance and management team on the divestment. The AIB UKI Annual Conference held at the University of Sussex, UK 25-27 April 2016. The foreign divestment decision: Cross-national distance and top management team characteristics. Professor Jorma Larimo is her main supervisor in the dissertation project ect.
Roman Filenko
Roman Filenko join the doctoral program at the IBMS researc group in the fall 2018. During his undergraduate and postgraduate studies, he has had the opportunity to work in the country. University of Applied Sciences and Strategic Business Development at the University of Vaasa. His research focuses on divestment mode, namely, determinants of international value creation. Roman Shall be presenting his doctoral preliminary proposal at the 15th conference Vaasa IB in August 2019 and After That plans to present his research at the four fiveEIBA Annual Conference and AIB-open and / or AIB 2020 Annual Meeting.
Arshed Iqbal
Arshed Iqbal started his doctoral studies in Spring 2019 at the School of Marketing and Communication, University of Vaasa. Wholly owned subsidiaries located in Overseas markets. He will be presenting his doctoral preliminary proposal at the 15 Vaasa IB conference in August 2019. Arshed has completed his MSc in economics and business administration from the University of Vaasa in 2015.
Oskar Sniegowski - Research Assistant