Tule mukaan kehittämään Vaasan yliopiston ulkoista verkkosivustoa – vastaa kyselyyn 31.1. mennessä:
Osallistavassa ja monitieteisessä Mediamaiseman levottomuus -hankkeessa monitieteinen tutkijaryhmämme etsii ja testaa ratkaisuja yhdessä sidosryhmien kanssa. Tavoitteena on tukea journalismia murrokseen sopeutumisessa ja sen ennakoimisessa.
Hankkeessa kysymme, miten uusien teknologioiden nopea synty ja omaksuminen muovaavat journalismin yleisösuhdetta ja vaikuttavat tulevaisuuden liiketoimintamalleihin.
Hankkeen nimi: MEDIAMAISEMAN LEVOTTOMUUS. Miten uudet teknologiat vaikuttavat journalismin yleisösuhteeseen ja liiketoimintamalleihin
Mari K. Niemi "What fascinates me in this project is its thoroughly multidisciplinary approach. We combine perspectives of journalism research, media and communication studies, technology and business studies to forecast the futures of journalism. Our cooperation with the industry, stakeholders and audiences is equally active throughout the project: it gives our work valuable insights and strengthens its impact." | |
Anthony Ridge-Newman "Digital technology has changed the ways in which we conduct our personal and working lives. In many industries, this technocultural change has led to a disruption in practice and output. Journalism has undergone a transformation driven by trends in digital culture. It begs the question of how emerging tech will impact on the evolution of future journalism. This timely project, aiming to predict the future trajectory of journalism amid a changing technological landscape, hopes to offer valuable insights for stakeholders across the public sphere." | |
Ville Manninen "New technologies have always had an impact on journalism. Planning for that impact, however, has never been easy. Yet that planning is what makes the difference between those organizations that survive the changes and those that do not. To me the most crucial component in this calculation is the audiences, and I want to help journalistic organizations foresee how new technologies can make - or break - their audience relationships." | |
Kimmo Rautanen "Many new technologies, user interfaces and content production methods may impact the future's media scene. However, traditional media consumption patterns will also live on, at least in part. I'm interested in learning how audiences, those who consume and perhaps even pay for media will experience these developments." | |
Tanja Sihvonen "This project is important in that it tries to gain a technology- and business-focused overview of the coming disruptions in the media scene. It will help us understand what these changes mean for production, consumption, dissemination and participation in media. In other words, it looks at individual disruptive technologies and practices in the 'big picture'". | |
Heidi Kuusniemi "Emerging technologies are disrupting all areas of our society. New sensoring opportunities, endless data, increased computing capacity, faster connectivity and artificial intelligence make way for new approaches to action. This project’s interesting multi-disciplinary take on the disruption in journalism is intriguing and will open up opportunities for insights into the whole media sector and related businesses. I am excited to be part of this study on how technology innovations will benefit and foster advances in journalistic media." |