Interreg Aurora

The Interreg Aurora programme area, uniquely positioned in the green transition, faces challenges and opportunities in renewable energy adoption. Critical areas such as grid stability, renewable adoption and electric vehicle infrastructure highlight the need for resilient solutions. Energy storage emerges as one piece to ensure reliability and enabling decentralization. The overall objective of the Interreg Aurora funded project RESILIFY is to develop and implement sustainable energy solutions. This is done by developing multi-energy and storage hybrid systems for identified needs including business opportunities, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and resilient energy infrastructure.

Lead Partner EU
Luleå tekniska universitet

Lead Partner Norway
UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Project Partners
Region Västerbotten
Zpark Energy Systems AB
Åsele Elnät AB
Åsele Näringslivsstiftelse
Heliostorage Oy
Vaasan Yliopisto

Vastuuhenkilö Vaasan yliopistossa
Hanketta koordinoiva organisaatio