Employment contract as Doctoral Researcher, University of Vaasa

At the University of Vaasa, we think out of the box in order to build a sustainable future. We are a university that invests in the quality of research and teaching in order to tackle the challenges of our time. We educate responsible and internationally-minded leaders and experts. We are well known for our high-quality education and inspirational teachers. Our expertise in the fields of business studies, technology, administrative sciences and communication forms the core of our university. Our discipline-based research is complemented by our phenomenon-driven research platforms.  

University of Vaasa is now inviting applications for the position of Doctoral Researcher. This is a fixed-term contract for two years. The starting date is at the beginning of August 2025 but can be negotiated. You can apply to the position, if you are applying study right to doctoral studies in spring 2025. 

There are limited amount of open positions and they are located in Schools based on your research field: School of Accounting and FinanceSchool of ManagementSchool of Marketing and Communications or School of Technology and Innovations.

Your role

As a Doctoral Researcher you will perform research in your research field and study in the University of Vaasa doctoral programmeFurther tasks include a limited amount of teaching and administrative tasks in accordance with the University's career model. The teaching tasks of the position focus on the School's study programmes.

The annual working time for a Doctoral Researcher is 1612 hours. A more detailed task description is agreed in the Annual Work Plan.

Your experience

As a Doctoral Researcher you are required to hold a higher university degree. You should also have a demonstrated (eg. past study success) ability and motivation to pursue doctoral studies and the doctoral degree. 

You must also apply for the study right in the doctoral programme in Studyinfo system (Opintopolku) by February 28th, 2025 15:00 (Finnish time).

For more information, please visit the Graduate School website: Admissions to doctoral studies | University of Vaasa (uwasa.fi) 

The main selection criteria include a research plan of high quality, success in previous studies and evidence of previous research (publications, conference papers). The evaluation of applicants at the very early stage of doctoral studies, emphasizes previous study success and the quality of the research plan.

The administrative language of the University of Vaasa is Finnish. The teaching languages are Finnish and English. If the candidate is not a Finnish citizen or a Finnish citizen who is not a native speaker, or has not been educated in Finnish, they may be granted an exemption from the language proficiency requirement without separate application. The candidate is, however, expected to acquire the necessary Finnish language skills in accordance with the language policy of the University of Vaasa.  Good English language skills are a prerequisite to succeed in the position. Read more about language policy: Application and selection process | University of Vaasa (uwasa.fi) 

Admission to the position requires that you have been granted the right to doctoral studies in the University. The location of the position is in Finland and is situated in Vaasa. The selected candidate must be in Finland at the start and during the task.

The start date of the position is preferably at the beginning of August 2025, or at the latest within six months of the start of the right to study.

Inspirational work environment

The 5,000 students and 600 employees of the University of Vaasa thrive on the most beautiful campus in Finland, located at the seaside. Our university community is international: we come from 80 countries. As an employer, we focus on employee well-being at work by providing opportunities for competence development, flexible working time arrangements and extensive occupational health care. Our vibrant campus enables networking as part of a close-knit work community. We have been awarded the HR Excellence in Research recognition. More about us: Working at the University | University of Vaasa (uwasa.fi)


The salary is based on the University Salary System for Teaching and Research Staff. The salary for a Doctoral Researcher is based on demand levels 2-4 (approximately 2100-2600 €/month). An additional personal salary component is paid based on work performance.

Further information:

  • Kaisu Piirainen, Vice-director, Faculty Services
  • E-mail: kaisu.piirainen(at)uwasa.fi
  • Phone: 029 449 8428

The employment is subject to a probationary period.