Accepting the study place and registration annually

Congratulations! Welcome to doctoral studies!

Accepting the study place

New doctoral students are asked to present original application documents (degree certificate, transcript of records) and to fill in a registration form upon registration. Doctoral students are required to register as soon as their study right begins and also annually in the beginning of each academic year. Instructions on this procedure is sent to you in the acceptance letter.

Please note, that if you have been accepted to other Finnish university, you can accept only one doctoral study position.

Registration annually

Each and every student has to register at the University each year either as attending or non-attending.

All doctoral students shall start using a user name in the University’s computer system. User names are given to all students registered as attending. User names are needed in the University’s electronic systems (course and exam registrations in Peppi, Webmail, intranet). In order to get a user name, contact University’s HelpDesk.

Only those students who have registered as being present are allowed to take part in courses and exams, and receive marks for the completed courses and receive the degree certificate and graduate.

You may register for the academic year during the registration period 1 June - 15 September. If you don't register through the electronic system (Oili), you can register by returning a filled and signed registration form to admissions(a) Those doctoral student who were selected in the autumn the registration period ends in 31 of January.

A student who has not registered to the University by the deadline will be removed from the student register. If the student wants to register again, he or she shall contact the student counseling of the doctoral programme to make sure that the student has an up-to-date personal study plan, a research plan as well as a supervision agreement. The University charges a fee for reregistration.

Student Union membership

Student Union membership fee is optional for doctoral students. The fee entitles doctoral students to the services of the Student Union. Please note that the fee does not entitle the doctoral students to the health care at YTHS, subsidised meals or discounts on travelling tickets.

Did You Forget to Register by the Deadline?

Those who have not registered by the deadline will be removed from the student register. If you want your study right to be activated again, you need to submit an application for a re-activation of study right to the university and pay a late registration fee.

A fee of 35 euro is collected from students who register as attending or non-attending after the deadline. The fee applies also to doctoral students.

The fee must be paid to the account of the University of Vaasa:

  • Danske Bank
    Account number: 891997-10000872
    IBAN: FI3789199710000872

Reference number to be used in the payment: 276012.

If you haven't registered as attending or non-attending for at least one academic year, you should enclose a personal study plan to the application for activating your study right at the University. The application should be submitted to the Specialist at the Graduate School. The decision about activating the study right is made in your School.