A Celebratory Dinner is an event organised in June. All the graduates of the academic year are welcome to attend the dinner, and also the friends and families of graduates are invited.

This year the event is organized on 22nd June 2016 6 pm at restaurant Mathilda. Participation fee is 40 € per participant. By filling in this electronic registration form and paying the participation fee using credit card or online bank service you can register yourself and your party. The registration is open until 12th June.

Registration form

The dinner consists of three courses, and the other programme includes for example some music and speeches. Dress code for the dinner is dark suit. Participation fee for the dinner is collected.

The celebratory dinner is meant for all the graduates of the academic year. All graduates of the academic year will receive an invitation to the dinner by mail. If you graduate in April or May, you will receive the invitation with your degree certificate. If you graduate in June, you will receive the invitation after you submit your application for degree certificate to the university. The invitation contains further information about how to register for the dinner and the schedule.

Further information:
Linda Westerlund, Tel. +358 (0)29 449 8076, firstname.lastname@uwasa.fi