Updated 22.9.2023 | 09:09

Dissertation: Tarja Hautamäki (Public Law)

Fri 11.11.2016 | 12:00 - 15:00

The public examination of Lic.Sc. (Admin.) Tarja Hautamäki´s doctoral dissertation ” Yksityisen turvallisuusalan valvonta” will be held on Friday 11th November at 12 o’clock at auditorium Kurten (Tervahovi).

Professor Kirsi Kuusikko (University of Lapland) will act as an opponent and professor Eija Mäkinen as a custos. The examination will be held in Finnish.

Public display (“nailing”) will be held on Thursday 27th October at 12:00 o´clock (Tervahovi). After that the dissertation is available at Publication Database