Private donations
How can I donate?
Three ways to donate:
Donate with MobilePay
You can easily donate with MobilePay. University of Vaasa fundraising number is 90906
Online donation
You can make an online donation via this form Online donation
Bank transfer
You can make your donation to the bank account of the University of Vaasa IBAN FI43 8119 9710 0170 72
In the message field, please write "Donation" and the company name, address and VAT number. As a private person, please write your name and contact information (e.g. email address or phone number) and your social security number.
Deed of donation
For donations of EUR 850 or more, we kindly ask that you also fill in and sign a deed of donation. That you will get from your contact person at the university.
Return the signed deed of donation to the Univeristy of Vaasa, kirjaamo, PL 700, 65101 Vaasa / kirjaamo(a)
Tax deduction right
Since 2016, also private persons in Finland can make a tax deduction for a university donation. Donations of EUR 850–500,000 are tax deductible.
Money collection permit
The University of Vaasa permit ID is RA/2021/301.