Adriana de la Garza Musi

I see this programme as a strong link between my engineering background and the business and managerial areas that I wish to focus on. The courses in the programme foster critical thinking and communication skills. I always feel free to approach teachers to ask for advice regarding assignments or projects. Several channels are offered to make communication possible between students, teachers, and the whole class. To me, one of the best aspects of the programme is its international atmosphere which provides students the opportunity to meet people from all around the world.
Different student activities are held at the University campus all year long: conferences, companies networking, hackathons, or student gatherings. These activities surely complement and enrich my learning experience.
I come from Mexico and have been living in Vaasa only for a short time, but I’ve had nothing but good experiences with the city, its people, and its nature. I’ve felt welcome since my first day here, and the international tutors from the University have been beyond amazing while helping me settle in and having a fun time. Being able to ride my bike to almost anywhere in the city and breathing the pure air every morning is what I most enjoy about living in Vaasa.