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Language centre Linginno

Versatile teaching of languages and communications

The language centre Linginno operates as an affiliated institution and offers students of all disciplines language and communication studies that meet the requirements of their degree and working life.

Furthermore, it develops language teaching, teaching materials and multiform pedagogy and promotes research in language teaching and learning as well as working life communication.

More information about the language studies at the University of Vaasa can be found inJolla(requires sign-in with University of Vaasa credentials).

Language centre Linginno
Language centre

Degree education and language studies

The language centre plans language studies and is responsible for teaching the compulsory mother tongue, second domestic language and foreign language courses for students of all degree programmes at the University of Vaasa. The language centre provides language teaching in Finnish, Swedish, Arabic,  English,  German, French, and Spanish. More course and language options are available via the national network KiVANET and the international network EUNICE.

Projects and research

The language teaching provided by the language centre is research-based. The research conducted by the teaching staff of the centre focuses on language teaching and learning as well as communication in working life.

The language centre:

Cooperation and networks

The language centre cooperates with similar organisations regionally, nationally and internationally.

The language centre is:

  • a memeber of the KiVANET network coordinated by UEF and University of Vaasa (2024-2027)
  • a member of the EUNICE alliance (2024-2027)
  • a member of the Finnish University Language Centre Network (FINELC) FINELC 
  • a member of CercleS, the European confederation for university language centres and similar institutions
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