Rehtori Minna Martikainen Vaasan yliopisto

Minna Martikainen: University of Vaasa lays the foundation for a sustainable future

Ahead of the Sustainable Energy Reimagined event, Minna Martikainen, Rector of the University of Vaasa, outlined the university’s goals and strategic priorities in an interview. The event, held in Brussels, brought together researchers and policymakers from the energy sector. Serving as both a networking platform and a showcase for the University of Vaasa’s international role in advancing sustainability, the event was organised alongside the Kvarken Council, the City of Vaasa, and the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia.

Text and photos: Mika Horelli, Brussels

– We aim to profile ourselves as a world-class institution and ecosystem operator, bridging science with business needs and rapidly translating research into practice, Rector Minna Martikainen stated on the morning of the conference in Brussels. 

– This approach reflects the University of Vaasa’s ambitious strategy and our desire to stand out in Finland and across Europe.

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