Image 26.09.2024 Technology GPS jamming? No problem, LEO satellites hold the key to resilient, interference-free navigation
Image 27.11.2024 Energy Earning money while making the power grid more stable – energy consumers have a key role in supporting grid flexibility
Image 04.10.2024 Economy Short-term loans are important for growth firms – entrepreneurs with a master’s degree in business get loans more easily than entrepreneurs with a master’s degree in engineering
Image 04.06.2024 Economy How to harness employees' skills and creativity for corporate sustainability?
Energy 19.02.2024 Microgrids need communication-based adaptive protection for tackling short-circuit faults
Energy 13.06.2023 For the successful diffusion of energy innovations, the support of the whole ecosystem is needed
Careers 22.11.2022 As the labour market tightens, it is worth investing in employee onboarding – it improves employee commitment and skills