3.3 million euro raised in fundraising campaign – goal exceeded

Uutisen oletuskuva
The University of Vaasa raised 3 337 242 euro in the government–supported fundraising campaign. University’s goal was to raise 2.5 million euro. The goal exceeded with more than a quarter.
Rehtori Jari Kuusisto ja yhteyspäällikkö Mika Palosaari ovat tyytyväisiä varainhankintakampanjan lopputulokseen.

Universities receive matched funding from the government based on the amount they are able to raise in donations. The campaign ended on June 30.

A total of 267 donations were made by companies, organizations, foundations and a large number of private citizens.

– I am very satisfied with the result of the campaign. It is very important the University has a large group of supporters. Outcome of this will help us implement our new strategy, says rector Jari Kuusisto.

The largest donations were made by Evald ja Hilda Nissin Säätiö, Liikesivistysrahasto, Pohjanmaan Kauppakamari, Etelä-Pohjanmaan Osuuspankkiliitto, Vuorineuvos Marcus Wallenbergin säätiö, Osuuskauppa KPO, Vaasan Aktiasäätiö ja Wärtsilä.

During the last day of the campaign the University received significant donations made by Vaasan Teknillinen Seura and Keskitien tukisäätiö.

- We thank all our donators. University of Vaasa appreciates all donations, small and large. It is important for us to continue the co-operation we have had with many donors for years. The University needs support from its partners also in the future, says Mika Palosaari, external relations manager.

- It was possible to allocate a donation to the desired field of education in the campaign. Most donations were allocated to economics. We have also received significant donations to the field of technology, Palosaari continues.

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