Anne-Mari Vatunen appointed as the head of campus services

Uutisen oletuskuva
M.Sc. (Econ) Anne-Mari Vatunen, 43, has been appointed as the head of campus services at University of Vaasa. She will take up her duties on 3 April 2018.
Anne-Mari Vatunen aloittaa Vaasan yliopiston kampuspalveluiden päällikkönä 3. huhtikuuta.

Vatunen has worked in managerial positions in business for more than a decade. She earned her Master of Economics degree in Industrial Management at the University of Vaasa in 2017.

The manager of campus services is responsible for operations relating to premises and safety, and acts as the manager of the Premises and Safety team. The Campus services support the performance and the impact of the university's operations by producing services for premises and premise use and development for the whole university community. During the upcoming years, duties will focus on the implementation of the University of Vaasa campus strategy currently in preparation.

Further information
Director of Finance, Marko Ylimäki, tel. +358 29 449 8209, marko.ylimaki(at)

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